If We Accept You As An Omaness Skinfood Distributor...

“You Will Start Making N50,000+ Profit Or More Monthly As A Dongoyaro Reseller In Your State Without Doing Any Marketing!


  • This is Not Network Marketing 
  • It's Not Affiliate Marketing
  • It's Not Ponzi Scheme
  • No Referral
  • And You Don't Need A Physical Store

Listen To Our Founder Ifeoma Adibe-Chukwuka

Dear Friend,

Here's The Deal...

"If we accept you as our distributor,

At Omaness Skinfood

It becomes our responsibility to send you products + buyers list

While you ensure efficient delivery to our customers."

Here's Exactly How It Works

  • Our Best Selling Product, "Dongoyaro Soap and Salve" helps people battling with Skin Irritations and we get lots of orders from people across Nigeria!
  • You Simply buy the products from us at very good discounts in bulk
  • Our team of digital marketers will then send you list of customers In your state/location to buy from you at retail prices
  • In summary, we’re giving you both goods and customers to sell to.
  • SO all you do is simply deliver to the customers and take cash on delivery.
  • With this process, N50,000 Monthly profit is very possible.

But Wait oh…This looks Amazing. Why Do this? Whats In for the Company?

Good Question, my friend.
Now this is why we are doing this.
Its not because we want to feed the world ☺
This is the logic.

We have a problem… Logistics
You see, Our Marketing Is Excellent and Orders comes really easy for us.
But Logistics and delivery has been a major problem
Because we get orders across Nigeria, its hard sending single piece of our products to people across Nigeria, everyday. Its not even profitable.
So we decided to create an Opportunity for Women Across All 36 States In Nigeria.

  • We supply you products in bulk and then refer customers that are close to your location to buy from you; such that you're spending little on transport.
  • And then the capital you pay upfront, will also enable us produce at a much cheaper rates, invest more in marketing and provide more discount to our Resellers so they can earn more!
  • Everybody Wins!
    Omaness makes more products,
    Resellers make more profit,
    Customers get access to our products conveniently.

Does It Make Sense Now?

Hmm...What If We Fail To Send Customers? 

This rarely happens but if it occurs that we were unable to send customers within the stipulated timeframe, distributors can request for a capital refund of unsold items.

This process takes about 2 weeks.

The reason is to allow us process the request and retrieve items.

So, Absolutely NO RISK TO YOU!

There are some terms & condition every reseller must meet…

  • Distributors must contact customers assigned and provide update at most 3hours after assignment.
  • Distributors must deliver to customers assigned at most 48hours.

Okay. So How Do You Get Started?

Good Question.

We need to first check a few things before taking you on board...

  • Your Location To Know if there are available distributors slot
  • If you have the required capital to start (minimum N30,000)
  • If you have what it takes to meet the terms & conditions required to maintain your slot as a distributor in your city

All of this means ONE THING...

"This Is Not Open To Everyone And There Are Very Limited Slots Per City."

Here's What You Need To Do NOW...

  • Click on the button below and submit the form to check if we have a slot in your city
  • If there's a slot, quickly contact us on WhatsApp with the number on the next page to further check if you qualify... 
  • Afterwards, we'll onboard you and arrange to deliver your purchased products and begin sending you buyers


This is no bluff.

We do not work with a lot of persons so as to keep our operations lean and very effective. 

We'll rather have few satisfied persons per city who keep returning to buy more than have a lot of dissatisfied persons everywhere.

Hence, we work with only a few. 

So, you must hurry. 

Thanks for showing interest and I look forward to welcoming you onboard on the Omaness Dogonyaro Resellers Program.

Best Regards,
Ifeoma Adibe-Chukwuka,